
The Vir Sanctus eNewsletter helps Guild members stay up-to-date on the progress and development of the Guild’s mission, as well as upcoming events and activities!

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If you’re not yet a Guild member, your subscription to our free eNewsletter will automatically enrol you into the Father John Harvey Guild (membership is also free). New subscribers will be sent five free Father Harvey prayer cards and will receive our quarterly eNewsletter. All we ask is that you please pray one Hail Mary daily for the opening of Father Harvey’s cause.

Join the Father John Harvey Guild and receive our free quarterly eNewsletter Vir Sanctus

2024: April - Eastertide & Birthday Blessings

2023: December - We Wait in Joyful Hope!

2023: September - Preparing for the Month of the Holy Rosary

2023: June - Inaugural Edition: Welcome!

Read previous issues of Vir Sanctus:

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